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What are Cataracts banner

What are Cataracts

What Are Cataracts? 

Cataracts are a normal occurrence in an aging eye: your transparent eye lens begins to cloud over with the gradual build-up of naturally-occurring proteins in the eye. Instead of allowing light to enter properly, the cloudy lens creates a foggy appearance to everything you see. 

This process does not happen overnight. It is typically a slow development that makes it increasingly difficult to see things clearly and perform daily tasks. 

Symptoms of Cataracts

While cataracts are typically associated with aging, they can also occur due to disease, injury, birth defect or certain medications. Symptoms can include: 

  • Hazy/blurry/cloudy vision
  • Glare and starbursts with night driving 
  • Dull appearance of colors
  • Vision takes on a yellowish/brownish tint 
  • Eye sensitivity in bright light

Types of Cataracts

You can have a cataract in one or both eyes. The position of your cataract will affect what type of vision disturbance you have. 

  • Nuclear cataract: occurs in the center of the lens with yellowing of the lens fibers causing dim or dark vision
  • Cortical cataract: occurs around the edges of the lens, often resulting in spoke-like opacities that move to the center of the lens, causing glare and halos
  • Posterior subcapsular cataract: sheetlike opacity occurs at the back of the lens, causing poor night vision and trouble reading

Cataract Treatment in Reston, VA

Cataract surgery is a very common and effective procedure to restore clear vision. The decision to pursue cataract surgery depends on how much your vision is impacting your daily life.  At NewView Eye Center, we perform exams to assess your cataract development and, if necessary, recommend cataract surgery at our Reston Surgery Center or Fairfax Surgery Center, depending on your preference.

Contact us today to schedule an eye exam and learn more about your eye health.

Our Locations


12110 Sunset Hills Rd., Suite 50 LL
Reston, VA 20190

Jacqueline Deneen Griffiths, MD


20 Davis Ave. SW
Leesburg, VA 20175

Claiborne M. Callahan, MD

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